Thursday, May 31, 2012
Recipes from Brittany, France

I learned a new trick this week, which I'm sure will elicit a resounding "duh" from anyone with half a functioning brain. Here it is (are you ready?): If you want to find international recipes online, you have to learn to speak the language. Or use Google Translator. It seems so obvious doesn't it? Sure, NOW it does.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Recipes from the British Virgin Islands

This week's recipes come from yet another land of tropical beaches, warm weather and resort hotels, otherwise known as Places I Can Only Dream of Visiting Because I Have Four Kids who Would Destroy the Experience For Me. Don't misinterpret that, I actually love traveling with my kids, but I'm not deluded enough to think...
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Recipes from British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos)

Food is good pretty much everywhere you go. The human species has a remarkable capacity for taking simple local edibles and turning them into something delicious and unique, which is one of the reasons why I love doing this blog. Political history, though, isn't always as fun and friendly as culinary history. Humanity is...
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Recipes from Bouvet Island

Every now and then, as you know, I've had to get creative with my entries. This only happens when I run into a nation that isn't really a nation, like Ashmore and Cartier, which is an uninhabited nature preserve, and Bassas da India, which is basically just a bunch of barren islets off the coast of Madagascar. Usually I can...