Recipes from Marche, Italy

For this entry, I made two recipes. Neither of them were especially good, but I don't blame the people who posted the original recipes or any of the traditions they came from, I blame myself and my propensity for Googling things that might kill me.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Recipes from Chile

It's good to be back in South America, a land without cassava, peanuts or shrimp paste. Don't get me wrong, I dislike only one of the ingredients on that list—but lately have been inundated by all three. And I do love a little variety. This week we are in Chile, a long, narrow strip of land between the Andes Mountains and...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Recipes from Champagne-Ardenne, France

This week we're having a capon party with champagne. Don't you just love Google Translate? More on that later. But first I wanted to complain about my decision to divide some of the larger countries (or in France's case, countries with larger culinary traditions) into regions. I'm starting to regret this idea, because it makes...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Recipes from Chad

Just before labor day weekend, my kids started coming down with these weird fevers. They would burn hot for a couple of days, and then they'd be fine. They never complained of any other symptoms--no headaches, no sore throats, no runny noses--just this weird fever. Well, as it turns out, this little kid-friendly fever is...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Recipes from Central Thailand

I already cook a lot of Thai food. My husband loves pad Thai with chicken satay, and it's a regular meal in our house. I also have a super spicy Thai green curry recipe that I don't make often enough any more, because it would be borderline child abuse to try to make my kids eat it. So it was fun to do this meal from Central...

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