Thursday, August 29, 2013
Recipes from Georgia

Hey guess what? This is Travel by Stove's 100th meal! So that must mean I've made a lot of progress down the alphabet huh? No! As you know, I am still only on the G's, which puts me less than a third of the way through my list. Dang.
I'm not complaining though, I still love doing this every week and am not sure what I'll...
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Recipes from the Gaza Strip

I don't actually know how to dive back into my old routine now that our visitor (my niece Imogen from the UK) is gone … we had such a great time with her though I think we're all about dead from all the fun and activity. And now here I am all alone in a very quiet house actually wishing for some chaos. Imagine that!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Recipes from Gascony and the Basque Country, France

A couple of years ago we took the whole family on a road trip from California to Colorado. I won't say a whole lot about that, except that it was about like you might imagine an eight state road trip might be with four small children and one extremely stressed-out Englishman.
Anyway one of our first stops was Elko Nevada,...
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Recipes from The Gambia

I hate to admit that I generally don't love food from Sub-Saharan Africa. I mean, it's fine. But like many Americans I've been raised on flavorful food with a lot of spices, and food from Sub-Saharan Africa tends to be a little on the bland side. I know this is because the people in that part of the world don't tend to have...