Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Recipes from Guinea

OK, I've got family coming for Thanksgiving and my house looks like a Target store got hit by a tornado. A sentient tornado that is also capable of scribbling on walls and getting fingerprints all over the windows. I really love my kids, but they create so much extra work.
If you have kids too you probably wish I'd shut up....
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Recipes from Guernsey

Wait, Thanksgiving is how far away? Dang, that came up fast.
Well I suppose I should be grateful for the simplicity of this week's meal then, because I have a 22 pound turkey in my freezer and that's about all the prep work I've done so far. Of course, I'm not the one who makes the Thanksgiving roast (that's my husband's job!)...
Saturday, November 16, 2013
How to Thaw a Turkey (a calculator)

OK I'm veering just the tiniest bit off course here, because I've got this little tool that might be useful to you and I wanted to share it.
I can't tell you how many times we've pulled our turkey out of the fridge thinking it's ready to cook, only to discover the damned thing is still frozen (OK twice). And just so you know...
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Recipes from Guatemala

I'm on a roll! After cooking some really outstanding food from Grenada and Guam I've hit on another winner: Guatemala. I don't know if I'm getting lucky or I'm just getting a whole lot better at choosing meals that I can a) reproduce correctly and b) tell in advance are going to be tasty. Probably a little of both.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Recipes from Guam

Finally! A country that I actually know something about. Here's what I know: when he was in the Navy, my dad was stationed on Guam.
OK so that third sentence is actually the sum total of my knowledge about Guam. Sorry. Because I was maybe one when he was over there and I really know nothing about it, except that he brought...