Thursday, May 29, 2014
Recipes from Nowhere
This week we're in ... um, we're not, because it's been a crazy week and I haven't had time to write a post! So I apologize, with Memorial Day weekend plus my daughter's class trip I'm afraid I have to take a pass on this week's entry.
I did make the food, but sometimes the blog posts take more time than the recipes do.
See you next we...
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Recipes from Jiangsu Province, China

You would think that my kids would be used to this by
now. They’re not. To them, blog night is still all about
the dessert, even though they’re usually disappointed that
the dessert in question isn’t the cream and sugar-filled
festival of processed fats that their American
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Recipes from Jersey

I know I will be getting some hate mail for this. Because some countries are really, really proud of their produce, cheese, wine, jam or other product and they get really mad when I make substitutions.
So please Jerseyans, know that I mean no offense when I say that you can't get Jersey Royals in California. I'm quite sure...
Friday, May 9, 2014
Recipes from Java and Madura, Indonesia

I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for 10 years, so I've eaten a lot
of Asian food. There's a very large Asian population in the Bay Area,
and you can find almost every variety of Asian restaurant somewhere in
the region: Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean--but I'll admit that I
never did eat at an Indonesian restaurant...
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Recipes from Japan

To lots of Americans, Japanese cuisine = sushi.
I've made loads of sushi, and I've eaten even more of it. I adore sushi. But damn it, I just couldn't do it for this entry. It's too familiar. And too Americanized.
Guess what, they don't have Califronia rolls in Japan. Before you go laughing at my stupidity, don't worry,...