Tuesday, December 24, 2013
My favorite world recipes of 2013

Well here we are at the end of another year, and I'm posting my list of favorite recipes from 2013. Didn't I just do this a couple of weeks ago? Oh, it was a whole year ago. Imagine that.
I love doing these posts actually because they give me a chance to refresh my memory. I cook a lot of interesting food for my blog and sometimes...
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Recipes from Guyana

Some people like to shoot deer. Me, I wish I liked to shoot them, because they keep eating my tomatoes. I don't have it in me, though. Deer are too beautiful. Of course, around here they are like pigeons, except there are more of them and they're only about half as useful.
I was going somewhere with this, where was it? Oh...
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Recipes from Gujarat, India

When I was about 19 I went through that phase that I’m pretty sure at least half the American population of teenage girls goes through. I went vegetarian.
I know, it’s hard to believe, what with my current carnivorous ways. But for almost 10 years I managed to stay away from meat almost completely. I’d eat fish and I’d usually...
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Recipes from Guinea-Bissau

Are you sick of turkey leftovers yet? Not me! I got 12 cups of chopped turkey out of our 21.4 lb bird, and that doesn't count what we ate. Of course, I freeze it and use it throughout the year--I guess if we had to eat all 12 cups this week I probably would be a little sick of it by now.
So it seems like I should be taking...