Thursday, April 25, 2013
Recipes from Estonia
OK, to start off this week's entry, here's a little poll for you:
When I think of beets, the first thing that pops into my head is:
A healthy super-food
Those purple things at the salad bar that I usually try to avoid
Dwight Schrute
Did you say "Dwight Schrute?" Yeah, me too. If you didn't say "Dwight Schrute," you need...
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Recipes from Eritrea
Africa is a big place, full of a lot of big countries and more than a few small ones. This week we're in another one of those small countries, and there's a good chance you might not have even heard of this particular nation.
Eritrea is in the Horn of Africa, north of Ethiopia, east of Sudan and northwest of Djibouti....
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Recipes from Equatorial Guinea
I usually cook these meals about a week and a half ahead of posting them. Occasionally, by the time I get to the writing part of the process, I've completely forgotten what I cooked a week and a half ago.
So that's partially a comment about the state of my brain and partially a comment about the food. Some of it just isn't...
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Recipes from England
Finally, we're in my territory! I've been married to an Englishman for almost 9 years, so I can actually say I know something about English food.
Except wait … I don't think I've ever actually cooked an English meal. Unless you count, you know, Indian. How can that be? In the 14 years I've known Martin I haven't ever cooked...